
3D Base Figures released on Nov 01, 2018
InsectDino by N/A

Software: Poser 5

Some people have Dogs *LOL* said one ET to another one.
InsectDino is a hybrid between Insect and Dinosaur. By nature not aggressive it can be very dangerous if it becomes rage. InsectDino isn't very big, normally his size is like a middle-sized Dog, but with his sharp horns and easy moveable tail and wings it's a real Pitbull-Killer.
Insect-Dino is one of my first models for artwork and animation, now prepared to enjoy your Runtime of Poser 5 and up. You may use it in Fantasy-, SF- or even in Toon-Scenes. InsectDino comes with a HiRes and a LowRes Texture, 3 standart Mat-Files, 1 Mat-file for slow PCs and 1 special Mat-File for a higher scaled Figure up to 500%. Additional for slow machines you'll get 2 more Mat-files which don't use any Texture-Maps. View the Promo-Images in 800x800 to see what you'll get. The Background-Image is included in 4:4 and 4:3. For more infos check the ReadMe.