AtoZ Folding Roadway Stop Sign v1

released on Dec 05, 2018
AtoZ Folding Roadway Stop Sign v1 by N/A

Available Uses:

Software: poser 7+
External ID: 20302-23135

Folding Roadway Stop Sign from Tiger9166What are you supposed to do at busy intersections when the power goes out? STOP, of course! So, with it's detailed piano hinge, lock bracket, lock and lock slot, these signs are showing up, perhaps because some people aren't stopping when they should. This becomes really dangerous at busy interssections!

This set comes with two shapes of signs and three total variations of signage. STOP sign (US and many other places based on its octogonal shape), and both a round International HALT and round International TURN RIGHT sign. Handy ERCs on the Fold First and Fold Second Body parts PLUS controls for the included lock.

The police in your storm darkened renders will be so happy to drive up to these, unlock them and open them so that "those" people haven't been stopping, can be properly ticketed! BUMMER! But the law is the law! Great price of only $1.99!Files in:
Runtime>Libraries>Character>TJM>Construction>Tunnel Entry Plus
Add these cool, articulated Signs to those props signs you may have already purchased that come in in Tiger9166's Tunnel Entry version2!

Find the usual license file in Readme's>TJM>Construction along with the read me file!Copyright 2012 Tiger9166 - A product of Tim Machan's AtoZ, Inc.All rights reserved.Tiger9166 sets and items in them including all .obj and .jpg files are under licensing, see the license.txt file as you are agreeing to these terms when you purchase this set. Only the items listed above are Included in this set!