AtoZ Steampunk Missle Launcher ADD-ON Cart Case and More! v1

released on Dec 05, 2018
AtoZ Steampunk Missle Launcher ADD-ON Cart Case and More! v1 by N/A

Available Uses:

Software: poser 7+
External ID: 20679-23756

Steampunk Missle Launcher ADD-ON Cart Case and More! from Tiger9166 aka. AtoZ
Includes: Starter Poses for the Cart for use with the P3DA Low Res Male (not included!)
So, you've got your Launcher and your Missles, even the FREE Missles Case, but no way to move them without using some big Steam Truck (or an armoured one!) SOooo, here's a Missle Launcher Case (crate) and two versions of a Two Man Hand Cart (one nice and new & another version that's rather used to say the least). The Hand Cart can fit three as you'll see, but if the load's balanced right, two can handle it!
AND, (a drum roll please) this set includes a cool new Two Stage (second stage is five engined) adn has a Quad MIRV Missle Head with four separate delivery packages. Yes, this missle works in the Devastator Launcher!
List price is $19.95 get yours for only $4.99!Files are in the usual TJM locations!
FIGURESMissle Launcher Case (crate) Top, Bottom and Assembled.Two versions of the Two Man Hand Cart (many uses, not just for crates of weapons.One Quad MIRVing Missle (three ways to load it - so be ready to hide pieces and parts and animate away!) ... BTW: the three "Tail Fin" poses that came with your other TJM Steampunk Missles do work to open and close the Quad MIRV! (Yeah! I know it's not Intercontennental, unless you're firing over a narrow straight!)PROPSMissle Launcher Case (crate) Top as a prop (no lettering)... Use it as a simple crate!Missle Launcher Case Top Inserts (fit into the Top)Missle Launcher Case Bottom Inserts (Fit into the Bottom)Missle Launcher Case BottomPOSESStarter Poses for P3DAs Low Res. Males (figure NOT included)Files in the usual places:
Copyright 2013 Tiger9166 - A product of Tim Machan's AtoZ, Inc. All rights reserved.

Only items listed above are included!
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