AtoZ DetailTime VI Security v1

3D Models released on Dec 05, 2018
AtoZ DetailTime VI Security v1 by N/A

Available Uses:

Software: poser 7+
External ID: 21128-24409

AtoZ DetailTime VI Security v1from Tiger9166
In the dark of night a shadow crawls along the ground. Your Security Staff receives a motion tracking alarm from Tower 6 Security Laser #14. The terrain outside your compound is studied second by second by all your auto-tracking Night Hawk IV Auto-Tracking/Sensing Security Lasers. They constantly pan back and forth and crisscross the terrain outside the Compound. They sense even the most minute movements... down to motion of blades of grass blowing in the wind process what they see and alarm only as necessary. But, as #14 has indicated a large object is approaching. Your alert Security staff swings two Night Hawk Cameras an zooms in on the object. It's human and it's not an innocent hunter that your staff simply hit with a mild stun beam last month. This object hasn't reached the brightly lit area around the compound yet. The two Lasers tracking the object are sent the wireless Kill signal and they quickly section the target into three pieces. Each piece contorts and quivers for ten seconds... Then they are still. The grounds crew gets to clean that up before daybreak.

It's a busy night. An hour another alarm sounds. It's the beep that says no danger, event sensed and dealt with automatically. A bird broke a wall top Laser Fence Beam. Fully automated, a fraction of a second later a Night Hawk Laser pivots, tracks and kills it. Event ended, clean up crew dispatched.

How will your Security System deal with events? Enjoy the added Detail for your renders and animations.

This set includes four main figures listed below AND both Props and Smart Props for easy loads... Not to mention a few Handy Preloads to get you Night Hawk Security Systems up and running.SECURITY the sixth AtoZ DetailTime Product Retails for ONLY $29.95 BUT, Right NOW! It's ON SALE for the insane price of only $5.49!Limited quantity at this Special Sale Price... Grab one today! And, if you do, may I thank you in advance! Tim=AtoZ=Tiger9166Night Hawk IV Security Items Included:Wireless Remote Laser Fence Post - FIGUREArticulation & Features:PivotsTiltsArm Moves In and OutReceivers both Tilt and PanTransmitters both Tilt and PanAntenna both Angles and RotatesWireless Remote Security Camera - FIGUREArticulation & Features:PivotsTiltsLens Zooms In and OutFocus Ring RotatesAntenna both Angles and RotatesThree Fine Adjustment Pots can be turnedDiagnostic Plug availableWireless Remote Security Light with High Output LEDs - FIGUREArticulation & Features:PivotsTiltsAntenna both Angles and RotatesWireless Remote Security Stun/Kill Laser Microwave Charged/Powered - FIGUREArticulation & Features:PivotsTiltsLaser Core Extends to Cool and Recoils to get full Capacitor Charged OutputAntenna both Angles and RotatesBonus Items:Props:Smart and Dumb Laser Fence Beam Props!Smart Stun Beam for the LaserSmart Kill Beam for the Laser!Preloads:In Figures!That is Runtime>Libraries>Character>TJM>Retaining WallsFiles in:Runtime>Geometries>TJM>RetWallsRuntime>Textures>TJM>RetWallsRuntime>Libraries>Character>TJM>Retaining Walls Runtime>Libraries>Props>TJM>Retaining Walls and in >Smart ReadMe's>TJM>Retaining Walls (license is here too) Find these Security Devices and Props in the Character Folders under TJM>Retailing Walls and in TJM>Retailing Walls Props (and) Smart.

HINTS!:I have included a Preload of the Security Stun-Kill Laser that has both Kill and Stun Beams loaded. Simply look at the Hierarchy List for the part named Laser and just below it Hide or Unhide the Beam you want. Yes, you can easily ZScale it to make it as short or as long as you want!You will also find two other handy Preloads. The first is the Security Fence Post with a Laser Figure (all five beams) attached and the second end up being may be your favorite Fence Preload as it loads the five Smart Prop Lasers. How you use either will depend on how you intend to make your walls or how your buildind is configured. Of course, the "smart proped" version is handier when you want to rotate and raise or lower your beams. Use it if your fence angles upward. NOTE: You will have to change the individual beam's lengths so that they look right in your renders!Thank you in advance if you add this set to your collection!Copyright 2013 Tim Machan's AtoZ, Inc. aka: Tiger9166 & AtoZ

Note: Photos, Buildings, Characters, Clothing, 3D Terrains, Vehicles and other items seen in the Product Images that are NOT listed above are NOT included!

$29.95 USD 30% Off
Sale Ends: Feb 23
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$29.95 USD 30% Off
Sale Ends: Feb 23
Price: $20.97 USD

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