AtoZ DetailTime UseYourWords 3 Components PLUS 1 v1

3D Models released on Dec 05, 2018
AtoZ DetailTime UseYourWords 3 Components PLUS 1 v1 by N/A

Available Uses:

Software: poser 7+
External ID: 22203-25773

AtoZ DetailTime UseYourWords 3 Components PLUS 1 v1by Tiger9166This is a standalone item, BUT, it works at its best with all the props and panels in AtoZ's Control Panel Plus Series.Pre-Work Definition (by AtoZ): Work done before animation or rendering is done which saves time consuming and tedious postwork!
AtoZ is working hard to give you the very best PreWork 3D Models ... Want someting you don't see? e-mail me (see below) ... So, what is Use Your Words? Each unit, this being the second (ref: AtoZ UYW Drives), allows you to label items in your other sets ... See the Promo Pics! A panel full of switches that's not labeled functions would be a mystery before Use Your Words! In the past you'd have to add wording and get it angled right, after you rendered your scene! And, if you were animating it the wording would have to be adjusted frame after frame! Forget this tedious postwork! NO, not by skipping those crucial details that make your scenes awesome. Now, you can add the words and descripitions that might have been missing until AtoZ introduced the Use You Words 3D Series. Npow you can give your cocpits, panels and control rooms the DetailTime thst they so deserve.This, the third UYW (Use Your Words) set includes 196 words and phrases ... YES, that's 196 Component Related words and you get numbers and punctuation! And, two Atmospheric Flight Gauges, an Altimeter and an Airspeed Velocity Gauge! Not to mention a total of three Mat Poses. At the bottom of this product description and at the bottom of the Readme Text is a complete listing of all 197!
Yes, there is a $16.99 Retail Price and like all AtoZ products there is a special introductory price and also as time goes on you'll find this product has On Sale pricing too!What you get: Figures: UYW Components 1 - figure - moves by its body and all its components can be hidden or shown and moved anywhere you want! Altimeter Gauge - Articulated! Airspeed Velocity Gauge - Articulated! Mat Poses: 3 Mat Poses Textures for the words We hope you find this set as useful as we do ... ENJOY! Files in: Geometries - Runtime>Geometries>TJM>Construction Textures - Runtime>Textures>TJM>Construction Figures - Runtime>Libraries>Character>TJM>Construction>Massive 1 Plus>Controls and Mat Poses - Runtime>Libraries>Pose>TJM>Construction>Massive 1 Plus>Controls andLicense and Read Me files are included in - Readme's>TJM>Massive 1 PlusENJOY!Copyright 2014 Tim Machan's AtoZ, Inc. aka: Tiger9166 & AtoZ

License file included.
Note: Photos, Buildings, Characters, Props, 3D Terrains, Vehicles, Tunnels and any other items seen in the Product Images and videos that are NOT listed above are NOT included!
UYW Weapons 2 PLUS
196 Words, Expressions and Symbols

=A= (1 NullCube "locator")2 Aft3 AirBrake4 Airframe5 Airlock6 Alert7 Area8 Atmosphere29 Atmospheric=B=10 BackSlash111 BackSlash212 BackSlash313 BackSlash414 Bank15 Battery16 Bay17 Bow18 Breach19 Bulkhead20 Bulwark=C=21 Cargo22 Chamber23 Chamber224 Charging25 Clear26 Close27 Colon128 Colon229 Colon330 Colon431 Comma132 Comma233 Comma334 Comma435 Compartment36 Computer37 Containment238 Contaminated39 Continuum40 Cooling41 Corridor42 Crew43 Critical=D=44 Dammage45 Dash146 Dash247 Dash348 Dash449 Deactivate50 Deck51 Decontamination52 Dectector53 Defect54 Defensive55 Disengage56 Divider157 Divider258 Divider359 Divider460 Dock61 Door62 Drive163 Drive264 Drive365 Drive466 Drive567 Drive668 Drives169 Drives270 Drives371 Drives472 Drives5=E=73 Engage74 Engine75 Engineering76 Engines77 Exhaust=F=78 Failure79 Fire80 Flaw81 Fore=G=82 Guidance83 Gunnery=H=84 Habitat85 Hallway86 Hash187 Hash288 Hash389 Hash490 Hatch91 Heat92 HeatShield93 Hold94 Holding95 Hydoponics=I=96 ImpulseDrive97 Initialize98 Inlet99 Intake100 Isolation=J=101 Jump=L=102 Launch103 Link104 Load105 Lock=M=106 Mechanical=N="N" number-107 NEight108 NEight2109 NEight3110 NFive111 NFive2112 NFive3113 NFour114 NFour2115 NFour3116 NNine117 NNine2118 NNine3119 NOne120 NOne2121 NOne3122 NSeven123 NSeven2124 NSeven3125 NSix126 NSix2127 NSix3128 NThree129 NThree2130 NThree3131 NTwo132 NTwo2133 NTwo3134 NZero135 NZero2136 NZero3137 Navigation138 Nominal139 Nose=O=140 Orbital141 Outlet=P=142 Passage143 Passenger144 Percentage1145 Percentage2146 Percentage3147 Percentage4148 Period1149 Period2150 Period3151 Period4152 Port153 Pre154 Purge=R=155 Ramp156 Release157 Room=S=158 Seal159 Section160 Security161 SelfDestruct162 Sensor163 Sensors164 Shield165 Shields166 Slash1167 Slash2168 Slash3169 Slash4170 Space171 Stage172 Staging173 Starboard174 Storage175 Stress176 Structural177 Structural2178 Structure179 System180 Systems=T=181 Throttle182 Track183 TransDimensional184 TransStellar185 Transome186 Tube187 Tubes188 Turbine189 Turbines190 Turret191 Turret2=U=192 Unit193 Unload194 Unlock=W=195 Walkway196 Warning197 Warp= 196 "words"

$16.99 USD 30% Off
Sale Ends: Feb 23
Price: $11.89 USD

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$16.99 USD 30% Off
Sale Ends: Feb 23
Price: $11.89 USD

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