AtoZ DetailTime SUPER Clock PLUS v1

released on Dec 05, 2018
AtoZ DetailTime SUPER Clock PLUS v1 by N/A

Available Uses:

Software: poser 7+
External ID: 22217-25789

AtoZ DetailTime SUPER Clock PLUS v1 from Tiger9166Here a Quantum Leap in the Metamorphesis of AtoZ Products! OK, so you may have seen Poser Models that use Alternate Geometries to change pieces and parts BUT I'll bet you've never seen a clock like SUPER Clock! As the promotional pictures show yiou can use it in a whole bunch of different ways ... Heck, I'll even bet you'll dream up some of your own! ... We even included a Black on Silver LCD Mat Pose!

SO, what can SUPER Clock do? I hope you looked at the cool video that shows that SUPER Clock can easily be animated ... As a matter of fact we've included the 9 second Count UP and Count Down Poses in this set! -- So, it's fully articulated and we've even tested it in DAZ Studio 4.6 to make sure there are more cool ways to use SUPER Clock! (some functionalities in POser only!)

PLUS, its a counter and a Gee Meter and a Thermometer TOO! ...There are Poses included to do almost all the work for you ... I say almost because you do have to hide a colon when you use the counter vs the clock Pose that's included.

Heck, you can even hide the SUPER Clock's Base, Face and Glass and place the digits right into any surface you'd like!

OR, use the INCLUDED Single Digit Counter anyway your want!Special Introductory AND Sale Pricing? Of course! We love a deal so we almost always have our products reduced so you can enjoy them while saving!Instructions/Hints:If you "repurpose" the SUPER Clock, be careful after hiding the unwanted digits NOT to hide the BODY and Unhide it, as all you work you did hiding things will have to be redone! Adjust the The Hours times Ten Digit" (far left digit) either by turning its Parameter Dial in the Body or (HINT HINT HiNT) selecting it and adjusting it either as to the number or the letters or the words, OR to move it across the face of the SUPER Clock (or even beyond!).
So, this dial is where the "MAGIC" happens ... It counts up from 0 to 9 as expected ... THEN from 10 to 21!YES, that digit turns into ...A Plus SignA Minus SignDegrees CDegreesK for KelvinAnd for the SciFi fun of it ... Minus KAnd Plus KLateral GVertical GMPH - Miles per HourMPS - Miles per secondSelf Destruct Initiated!Turn the dial and have FUN!
REMEMBER! If you select the Hours Ten Digit you can also move it where you want it!Of course, you also get another EXTREMELY handy articulated figure ... we've named it The Articu-Bezel! You can grow and shrink it AND make it shorter/taller or narrower/wider ... HOW Cool is that? Put it on any surface and make a cool place to install any or all of the AtoZ DetailTime switches, meters, gauges, etc ... (these items are not included in the set... BUT!YOU ALSO GET PLUS'd with AtoZ DetailTime Use Your Words Punctuation, and four sets of words and phrases! WOW! you really get a LOT! Note: All the punctuation and words included are listed at the bottom of this Readme!So, in this set you get ...SUPER Figures -- SUPER CLOCK and Articu-Bezel!A Single Digit counter to put where ever!Really Useful Mat and Animated Poses including!Different Digit Colors for high illumination areasDifferent Digit Colors for low illumination areas10 second Count UP10 second Count DownFiles in: Geometries - Runtime>Geometries>TJM>Construction>UYWand Textures - Runtime>Textures>TJM>Construction>UYWand Figures - Runtime>Libraries>Character>TJM>Construction>Massive 1 Plus>Controls and Mat Poses - Runtime>Libraries>Pose>TJM>Construction>Massive 1 Plus>Controls and ALSO SEE >Single DFigit Constr. Set and >SUPR Low Light Long RendersI hope you really enjoy all the AtoZ Products ... We are very thankful to all of you who fill your libraries with them ... Thank you in advance if you add this set to your collection!

ENJOY!Copyright 2014 Tim Machan's AtoZ, Inc. aka: Tiger9166 & AtoZ

License file included.
Note: Photos, Buildings, Characters, Props, 3D Terrains, Vehicles, Tunnels and any other items seen in the Product Images and videos that are NOT listed above are NOT included!
AtoZ DetailTime SUPER Clock PLUS
Punctuation and 4 Sets useful
Use Your Words!
@ 3xs Punctuation 1
Activate Special #1
Alpha Special #2
Approx Special #2
Arrival Time Special #4
Asterix Special #2
BackSlash Special #2
BackSlash 5xs Punctuation 1
Beta Special #2
BrktL Special #2
BrktR Special #2
C Special #3
Carat Special #2
Cen Special #3
Cens Special #3
Chi - Xray Special #2
Colon 10xs Punctuation 1
Comma 10xs Punctuation 1
Continuum Special #1
CurlyL Special #2
CurlyR Special #2
D Special #3
D2 Special #3
Dash 10xs Punctuation 1
Day Special #3
Days Special #3
Dec Special #3
Decs Special #3
Delta Special #2
Departure Time Special #4
Divider 5xs Punctuation 1
Drive Special #1
Early Arrival Special #4
Epislon Special #2
EST. 2xs Special #4
Eta - H Special #2
Eta - Sym04 Special #2
Exclaim Special #2
ExclaimUpside Special #2
F Special #3
FTL Special #1
Gamma - Sym06 Special #2
Gamma - Sym13 Special #2
GTL Greater Than Light Special #1
-------------------------------------H Special #3
Hash Tag 5xs Punctuation 1
Hn Special #3
Hr Special #3
Hrs Special #3
Hyper 2xs Special #1
InvT Special #2
Jump Special #1
Kappa Special #2
Kappa1 Special #2
Kilometers 3xs Special #3
Lamda - Sym12 Special #2
Lamda - UpsideDnV Special #2
Late Arrival Special #4
Launch Time Special #4
M 5xs Special #3
Mil Special #3
Miles 3xs Special #3
Mils Special #3
Min Special #3
Mins Special #3
Minus Special #2
Minus 5xs Punctuation 1
ML Special #3
MLS Special #3
MM Special #3
Mn Special #3
Mns Special #3
Mon Special #3
Mons Special #3
Mu - Sym19 Special #2
NM Special #3
Nu - Sym17 Special #2
Omega Special #2
Omega2 - Sym20 Special #2
On Time Special #4
ParaL Special #2
ParaR Special #2
Per 3xs Special #3
Period 10xs Punctuation 1
Phi - Sym10 Special #2
Phi -Sym07 Special #2
Phi2 - Sym11 Special #2
Pi Special #2
Pi2- Sym03 Special #2
Plus Special #1
Plus Special #2
Plus 5xs Punctuation 1
Point Special #1
Psi - Sym14 Special #2
Psi2 - Sym21 Special #2
Question Mark Special #2
Question Mark Upside Special #2
Rho - P Special #2
S 3xs Special #3
Sec Special #3
Secs Special #3
Sigma - Sym08 Special #2
Single Quote 6xs Punctuation 1
Slash Special #2
Slash 5xs Punctuation 1
SpinUp Special #1
Sub-Light 2xs Special #1
T 2xs Special #3
Tau Special #2
Th Special #3
Theta - Sym15 Special #2
Theta - Sym16 Special #2
Theta2- Sym05 Special #2
Three Dots Special #2
Tilde 7xs Punctuation 1
Tn Special #3
Trans_Light 2xs Special #1
VertDiv Special #2
W 2xs Special #3
Warp 2xs Special #1
Week Special #3
Weeks Special #3
Wk Special #3
Wks Special #3
Xi - Sym09 Special #2
Xi2 - Sym02 Special #2
Xray1 Special #2
Y Special #3
Yr Special #3
Yrs Special #3
Zeta Special #2
Zeta2 - Sym01 Special #2