AtoZ Turret Guns II PLUS v1

released on Dec 05, 2018
AtoZ Turret Guns II PLUS v1 by N/A

Poser 7+, Daz Studio 4
Available Uses:

Software: poser 7+, dazstudio 4.8+
External ID: 23629-27833

AtoZ Turret Guns II PLUS v1 from Tiger9166This is a full stand alone set that has BONUS items that interface with the AtoZ Massive Topside and Octagonal Sets. There is also a fancy bonus !Preload for the Massive Observation you MUST already have in your collection!
SO, to be clear this is both a standalone AND an Add-On Set!Two AWESOME Fully Articulated Turret Weapons PLUS P!Preloads, Props and "Smart Props"! You get TWO Fully Articulated Turret Weapons! One Twin Barreled Projectile Turret Gun II and One Twin Barreled Advanced Ion and Plasma Weapon.
These Ion/Plasma Weapon have AtoZ "EZ_2_Use OPERATE" Parameter Dials that are right at te top of the Parameters List so you don't have to search through oall the pieces and parts for them! YES! the controlling parameter dials are right on screen when these items load!
Barrels Raise, Lower and Recoil, Turrets Rotate and Tilt, Ion/Plasma Cores "Charge", and More!
Comes with a Military Compartment that have "graphic Keypad topped articulated handles that raise and lower (they also also turn in tandem to unlock the lid! Of course, the lid raises and lowers AND it comes with a handy interior Smart Prop Panel so that you can see someting inside, not just the side of an object you have "mounted" it in! (See the Promo Pics).
Also included is an articulated Riveted Hinge to use any way you want... Hay this means you can mount justs about any two figures or props you have place the AtoZ Military Hinge between them Parent Object One to one "side of the hinge and Object Two to the other then move number the hnge and the one object will move like a "door" swinging away from the other piece. Think about making a floor you have turning into a "trap door"!
And you get a COOL PROPS! Both a "Railed" or not Railed Round Gun Mounting Platform for the Advanced Turret Gun I (plus one without the rail and a Special Extension Mount for either but specially designed for mounting the Turret Weapon II! These were designed to use to add exterior defensive weaponry for the AtoZ Massive Topside Set... But they can mounted anywhere you want to put a cool weapon in your animations or renders
PLUS you get a projectile shell with a special "UKFU" grathic message from your gunnery crew for the target it will hit.
BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE! There's a High Pressure "Tanklet" that includes graphic gauges, an Inlet Port AND has an "Operational" Articluated Valve! Use this Tanklet anywhere you need a High Pressure Fuel or Energy source!
A drum roll please... That isn't all... There is also a way cool Extension Mount especially designed for the Massive Observation Dome!... See the Promo Pics! Last but not lease there are a total of eight Military Compartment Mat Pose Graphics from Shells and a Swap To outer space and cities! Lastly, as mentioned above there are !Preloads that work well with AtoZ's Massive Topside Sets and additions like the Massive Observation Deck and Dome sets. Retail Price 18.95... Almost always on sale! If you add this AtoZ set to your collection as your first AtoZ product thank you in advance... And if you add it to enhance your other AtoZ sets may I thank you for you continuing patronage!All parts include HiRes Textures and items can be resized and still look GREAT!Includes: AtoZ Articulated "EZ_2_Use" Figures: Turret Weapon Advanced I Turret Weapon Advanced II Military Compartment Tanklet 01 Military Hinge Mat Poses: Default Mat Poses for all included plus lots of Mil Compartment Panel Mats! Props and Smart Props Railed Round Mount Round "Bottom" Mount Mount Extension (or use it stand alone!) Side Extension Mount (made for AtoZ Massive Observation Dome - not included) and Shell 01 (with "UKFU" delivery message and other cool graphics) Files in: Runtime (and Readme's): Geometries>TJM>Misc Textures>TJM>Misc Libraries>TJM> Character>Weapons (also one special add on is under Construction>Massive 1 Plus> requires other products to load!) Props> Props>Smart Pose>Weapons Props>Weapons Props>Smart If you add this AtoZ set to your library Thank You and ENJOY!Legal Stuff:

Copyright 2016 Tim Machan's AtoZ, Inc. aka: TJM, Tiger9166, A2Z & AtoZ All Rights Reserved License file included

Note: This set only includes the AtoZ items and files contained in the Directories as listed above.