AtoZ DetailTime Lights Plus II v1 by Tiger9166Please enjoy the Promotional Pictures that really show how cool this set is... Simple but cool!NOTE: Does not include the following three AtoZ Sets... The AtoZ Massive Observation Dome, AtoZ Dome Add-Ons Lower Console or the AtoZ Observation Dome Action Add-On Poses set! Add-On or not? You be the judge! This set includes two Stem Lights with Geometries and Materials loaded... One is just a bent stick kind of thing and the other has a base and is fully articulated!... That said we get into the Add-On issue! The first Stem Lights is used to create and comes with a complete set of 21 Lights with Poser Spot Lights Attached! These fit three at a time (7 times) to the 7 Work Stations of the AtoZ Massive Observation Dome Lower Console!