Medicine? Vitamins? Pills? Spray and sun cream for daily use?
Here you get everything including the Photoshop file so you can re-label the product.
Cleaning spray? Breath spray? Oil Creme? other medications?
With the Photoshop file all ideas can be freely converted.
Colors are also included in the Photoshop file but can easily be changed to your favourite
color at any time.
Included in this package:
- 1 Bottle & Fluid
- 1 Pill - Pot
- 1 Pill - Single
- 1 Tube
- Total 4 Props
Bottle Colors:
- 4 Frosted Water Color Presets
- 6 Glow Color Presets
- 4 Clear Color Presets
Bottle Sticker:
- 6 Sticker Color Presets
Pill Colors:
- 4 Pill Color Presets
Pill Pot Colors:
- 4 Pill Pot Color Presets for "Medicine"
- 4 Pill Pot Color Presets for "Vitamin"
- 4 Pill Pot "Pill" Color Presets
Tube Colors:
- 8 Tube Color Presets
Sticker & Fluid Options:
- 1 No Fluid Option
- 1 No Sticker Option
- Fluid - Full & Empty
- Tube Cap - Open & Close
- Total 2 Morphs
Photoshop PSDs:
- 3 Photoshop Files for own creations