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DAZ Studio 4.9.4 (Needed for G8F/M)
OOT Mega Wardrobe for Genesis 8 Male
Sweatshirt Styles for OOT Megawardrobe G8M
New styles for the Sweatshirt of OOT Megawardrobe for Genesis 8 Male.
Included are lots of new styles with different options and also custom color scripts.
Look at the promos to see all the different options.
Iray only! Please note that this add on includes materials for the SWEATSHIRT only!
- 42 options for the Sweatshirt
- Bump Options
- Custom Color Scripts
- DAZ Studio 4.10 or later
- OOT Mega Wardrobe for Genesis 8 Male ( )
This product has been tested in DAZ Studio 4.10 (PC & Mac).
This product is for DAZ Studio only. Not tested in or recommended to be used with Poser.
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