AtoZ Kudos Base-n-Elevator I v1 Poser

3D Models released on Jun 19, 2019
AtoZ Kudos Base-n-Elevator I v1 Poser by N/A

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AtoZ Kudos Base-n-Elevator I v1 for Poser 7+
(Base Building and Elevator)
On Kudos' few stable floating land masses of tortured terrain there are not only its Watch Towers that serve the Dragonfires that protect the planet, but also the Microwave Towers that help keep them aloft. And, that's not to mention Dragonfire Launch Towers. The brave souls who man and service the towers on the surface stay safe deep below the surface in subterranean Base Buildings that are either singular installations or are interconnected with other underground buildings.
Monsterous Building... WOW!
This set includes the HUGE Kudos Base Elevator and Base Building. I hope you have the AtoZ Kudos Terrains Plus because the elevator is designed to interface with the Base Access (and craters) that come in that set. You can see "cut-aways" that show the placement of terrains and how the parts I just mentioned fit together.
The Base Building is HUGE and even so, it is equipped with four walls all of which can be easily hidden to give you the best possible camera angles! And, one of the elevator wall is also easy to hide for the same reason!
Now, talk about how this building is uniquely designed for expansion! The End Walls (shorter ones) are actually comprised of four individual walls! Why? Because this building was intentionally designed to make interconnecting two or more buildings easy as pie... using the AtoZ Massive Series of tunnels! Simple Hide and Show the walls you want in order to serve your needs. Each end of the Base Building can be a full wall or allows for one, two or even three Massive Tunnel "inputs/exits"!
Oh! You're saying that the Massive Sets you've designed are on the surface? Well, this Base Building also includes a "roof" piece that can be articulated and opens and closes to allow spacecraft/landers access! So... no problem "growing" your surface Massive Sets using parts from this set!
This set includes: in Runtime>
Geometries>TJM>Kudos all necessary .obj files
Textures>TJM>Kudos all necessary .jpg materials and bump maps
Cameras in Library>Camera>TJM>Kudos
Two sets of Main, Aux and Dolly Settings for the elevator and building
Figures in Library>Character>TJM>Kudos>Kudos Base
A Base Building stripped down
A Base Building Preload with the roof installed and all four floor lifting motors also in place
An Elevator stripped down
A Preloaded Elevator with all four of its lift motors loaded
AND a complete Preload of the Base Building and Elevator with all motors etc.
Library>Figures>TJM>Kudos>Drive Motors
A Special Articulated Drive Motor with adjustable drive pieces that rotate and can be hidden to create the drive motor you want! (Note: All the motors listed above are smart props)
Mat Poses in Libraries>TJM>Kudos>Kudos MATs>Kudos Base>Elevator and Building
Default Material settings for the Base Building, Elevator, one motor and a series of different Building Mats with different floor Lanes for paired one, two and three Massive Tunnel entrances!
Props in Libraries>Props>TJM>Kudos>Drive Motors
Four different Drive motors for your projects and enjoyment!
Props in Libraries>Props>TJM>Kudos>Kudos Base>Elevator and >Building
Smart Props for all Elevator Lift Motors
Smart Props for all Building Guides, Roof and Building Floor/Cover Lifting Motors.
Bonuses! Three Motor Templates and Two Terrain .objs - Have FUN!
I hope you enjoy all the details built into this AtoZ offering, and if you add this set to your libraries, may I thank you in advance.
Copyright 2019 Tim Machan's AtoZ, Inc. all rights reserved as specified in the Renderosity Licence included in this folder.

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