BRING US TOGETHER, Scripting Short for Daz Studio 4

Software released on Oct 15, 2019
BRING US TOGETHER, Scripting Short for Daz Studio 4 by N/A

Daz Studio 4
Available Uses:

The Bring Us Together script will consolidate (move) all of the figures and props selected in the Scene tab to one location. You have full control over which location will be used to move all other nodes to. Choose between first selected node, last selected node, or world center (0,0,0) as your focal point. Change all translations (X,Y,Z) to match or just those that are needed. Simply select all of the nodes you want to converge using the first/last selection method, unselect any plane (axis) translations you do not want to affect, then click Move. Also includes and Undo button for those times when you simply mess up. For those of you interested in learning the Daz Script techniques used, please watch for our Learning Edition version with the complete Daz Script sourcecode and developer training guide.

Daz Studio Script (.dse)
Popup window controls:
- Radio buttons for Move To:
o First Selected
o Last Selected
o World Center
- Check boxes for X, Y, Z,
- Click Buttons for Move, Undo, Done

Please watch the VIDEO for a full demonstration of the capabilities.