Dungeon Denizens - The Ooze Cube

3D Figure Assets released on Dec 06, 2019
Dungeon Denizens - The Ooze Cube by N/A

DAZ Studio 4 With IRAY
IRAY capable DAZ Studio required. IRAY Materials only. No Poser files included
Available Uses:

The Ooze Cube is a classic Role Playing Game monster as old as the table top, pencil and paper fantasy game genre has been around. This slimy cube made of interconnected amoeba is gelatinous in consistency and its voracious appetite is geared towards animal and plant matter. The cube can't digest metals or minerals so treasures of this type owned by hapless adventurers who encounter the beast are often left undigested inside the ever hungry monster. The Ooze Cube combs the passages and tunnels of its environs for food constantly and subsists mainly on the carrion that often populates hazardous subterranean warrens in great numbers. At its largest, the Cube is 10 'cubic' feet in volume but smaller ones have been reported.

Product contents:
- 1 Ooze Cube character
- 2 dForce smear and splatter planes
- 9 IRAY material presets for the Cube and planes
- 19 action morphs built into the Cube: Attack1, Attack2, Attack3, Bludgeoned1, Bludgeoned2, Bludgeoned3, Dead, Engulf1, Engulf2, Engulf3, Excreting, MoveBackward, MoveForward,Pierced1, Pierced2, Pierced3, Slashed1, Slashed2, Slashed3

As common as this monster is in RPGs, there are only a handful of Cube models out there and none that I know of that are morphed - until now! So pick up this staple of classic RPG beasties for your fantasy rendering projects and let your new Cube go on the rampage!

NOTE - There are no Poser files with this product. This is a DAZ Studio, Iray materials only product. None of the promotional renders are postworked beyond the inscribed text.

See the Editorial section for product usage and tips.

Please send any questions or comments via Sitemail. Thank you for your interest in this product and I hope you enjoy rendering with it.

Price: $14.00 USD

1570 6

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Price: $14.00 USD

1570 6