Swamp Xtrem for Lyones Number 1

3D Figure Asset Addons released on Feb 23, 2020
Swamp Xtrem for Lyones Number 1 by N/A

DAZ Studio 4 With IRAY, DAZ Studio 4.9.4 (Needed for G8F/M)
Required Products:

Hello people!

I'm working on Number 06 but I'm not ready yet. During the time I release this one. Let's go dirty with Swamp Xtrem.

Swamp Less and Xtrem are my last mud packs!

This product is a texture expansion (Iray only) for Lyone's Number 01 outfit for G8M.

In this product you get:

7 Material (Iray) for the Boots
7 Material (Iray) for the Pants
7 Material (Iray) for the Belt
7 Material (Iray) for the Shoulder Chains
7 Material (Iray) for the Shoulder Straps
7 Material (Iray) for the Shoulder Pads
13 Material (Iray) for the TankTop
1 Material (Iray) for the Strap Buttons
7 One click Presets (Iray) for Number 01 outfit

Textures Included:
160 Texture maps (4096x4096).

The character used is Dae by gypsyangel.

The last promo is made by Braincells.

Thank you a lot for your support!