RA for Right Here

3D Models released on Apr 04, 2020
RA for Right Here by N/A

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This new set of textures for "Right Here" wants to give a little less dismal appearance to the whole environment.

It while maintaining the rips on the upholstery, it has a more livable appearance.
This package does not contain additional textures for the wheelchair.
After you have loaded the entire environment from the "figures" menu, the Structure item will appear:the menu next to the item contains a "Base" item: do not consider this item to apply the new textures, but choose from the "Props" list ".
Remember to remove the "cobwebs" props.

Coflek Gnorg has many tips on the original product page: for example how to change the material of the lamps. However, I added the possibility of adding transparency on some areas of the lamps: this will be useful if you want to insert light points inside them.

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