L'Homme 1 - Character Kit MR

3D Figure Assets released on Mar 30, 2020
L'Homme  1 - Character Kit MR by N/A

Base Figures:
L'Homme 1 Male
Required Products:
Available Uses:
Standard License, Merchant Resource

L'Homme Character Kit MR

(c) 2020 RPublishing
Morphs by Deecey

This package adds several body shape variations to L'Homme. Mix and match for endless possibilities, and merge them with your own morphs to create a custom character.

Body and facial morphs are similar to those furnished with La Femme. However each morph has been re-sculpted for use with L'Homme.

This morphs in this product are a Merchant Resource. The following notes apply.

-- You can combine these morphs with morphs furnished with the base L'Homme character, and with your own morphs to create your own custom character.
-- You MAY NOT combine these with other morphs that were not created by you, UNLESS those products are also sold as merchant resources and you have permission to use them.
-- Characters created with these morphs MUST be distributed as a single character morph. See notes below for instructions on how to create a single injection pose for your character.
-- Please provide a credit in your product's read-me file that this merchant resource was used.

The geometry for the morph transfer rig is NOT a merchant resource. Redistribution, in whole or in part, is not allowed.

What you get with this package:

239 Morphs for L'Homme, including:

-- 60 L'Homme Character Kit body morphs (.pz2 and .pmd)
-- 163 L'Homme Character Kit face morphs (.pz2 and .pmd)
-- 16 L'Homme Character Kit gen morphs (.pz2 and .pmd)

LHCK Morph Transfer DEV (.cr2) to transfer character kit morphs to clothing

Included BODY Morphs (for L'Homme and for L'Homme Morph Transfer DEV)


- LHCK-BodyBuilder
- LHCK-BodyInvTriangle
- LHCK-BodyOval
- LHCK-BodyTriangle
- LHCK-Buff
- LHCK-Heavy
- LHCK-Muscular
- LHCK-Stout
- LHCK-Thin
- LHCK-Toned
- LHCK-Zombie


- LHCK-ArmSize
- LHCK-BicepsBig
- LHCK-CollarGirth
- LHCK-Deltoids
- LHCK-ForeArmsBig
- LHCK-ShoulderGirth
- LHCK-TricepsBig


- LHCK-ChestShape01


- LHCK-GluteFlex
- LHCK-GluteRaise
- LHCK-GluteShape
- LHCK-GluteSize
- LHCK-GluteTopSlope
- LHCK-Gluteus


- LHCK-HeadScale
- LHCK-NeckSize
- LHCK-SternomastoidPronounced
- LHCK-SternomastoidSmooth


- LHCK-HipCrest
- LHCK-HipRound
- LHCK-HipShape
- LHCK-HipSize


- LHCK-CalvesThicken
- LHCK-Hamstrings
- LHCK-ShinsThickness
- LHCK-ThighInner
- LHCK-ThighsThickness
- LHCK-ThighsToned

Included FACE Morphs (not included in Morph Transfer DEV)

Brows and Forehead

- LHCK-BrowsArchAngled
- LHCK-BrowsArchRounded
- LHCK-BrowsCloser
- LHCK-BrowsDefine
- LHCK-BrowsRidgeInnerDown-Up
- LHCK-BrowsRidgeLow-High
- LHCK-BrowsRidgeOuterDown-Up
- LHCK-ForeheadSlope
- LHCK-HideBrows
- LHCK-Temples


- LHCK-CheekbonesLow-High
- LHCK-CheekbonesShallow-Pronounced
- LHCK-CheekboneWidth
- LHCK-CheeksGaunt-Round
- LHCK-CheeksSuckIn-Balloon
- LHCK-CheeksWidth


- LHCK-ChinBack-Forward
- LHCK-ChinCleft
- LHCK-ChinCrease
- LHCK-ChinRecessed-Jutting
- LHCK-ChinShort-Tall
- LHCK-ChinThin
- LHCK-ChinWeak-Strong
- LHCK-ChinWide


- LHCK-EarElf1
- LHCK-EarElf2
- LHCK-EarsBack-Fwd
- LHCK-EarsDown-Up
- LHCK-EarsRotateBack-Fwd
- LHCK-EarsRotateIn-Out
- LHCK-EarsScale

Eye Positions

- LHCK-EyesApart
- LHCK-EyesBack
- LHCK-EyesDown
- LHCK-EyesForward
- LHCK-EyesSmaller-Larger
- LHCK-EyesTogether
- LHCK-EyesUp

Eye Shaping

- LHCK-CorneaBulge
- LHCK-EyeCreaseDeeper
- LHCK-EyeFoldCurve
- LHCK-EyeFoldHeight
- LHCK-EyeHeightInner
- LHCK-EyeHeightOuter
- LHCK-EyeInnerWidth
- LHCK-EyeOuterWidth
- LHCK-EyesAsian
- LHCK-EyesBaggy
- LHCK-EyesNarrower
- LHCK-EyesTilt
- LHCK-FixEyeBags
- LHCK-HideLashes
- LHCK-IrisDepth
- LHCK-IrisSize
- LHCK-LacrimalHeight
- LHCK-LacrimalSize
- LHCK-LowerEyeCenter
- LHCK-LowerEyeInner
- LHCK-LowerEyeOuter
- LHCK-LowerLashCurl
- LHCK-LowerLashLength
- LHCK-PupilSize
- LHCK-SmoothEyeCavity
- LHCK-UpperEyeCenter
- LHCK-UpperEyeInner
- LHCK-UpperEyeOuter
- LHCK-UpperLashCurl
- LHCK-UpperLashLength


- LHCK-FaceDiamond
- LHCK-FaceFull
- LHCK-FaceHeart
- LHCK-FaceOval
- LHCK-FaceRectangle
- LHCK-FaceRound
- LHCK-FaceSquare
- LHCK-FaceYounger
- LHCK-Head Width


- LHCK-JawCornerWidth
- LHCK-JawCurve
- LHCK-JawHeight
- LHCK-JawSharp

Mouth Shapes

- LHCK-FixMouthBag
- LHCK-MouthShape01
- LHCK-MouthShape02
- LHCK-MouthShape03
- LHCK-MouthSize
- LHCK-MouthWidth
- LHCK-PhiltrumDefine
- LHCK-PhiltrumDepth
- LHCK-PhiltrumWidth
- LHCK-Teeth Expand
- LHCK-TeethFrontGap
- LHCK-UvulaRounder

Mouth Positions

- LHCK-Dentals Down-Up
- LHCK-Dentals Fwd-Back
- LHCK-Dentals Smaller
- LHCK-MouthBack
- LHCK-MouthDown
- LHCK-MouthForward
- LHCK-MouthUp

Lip Shapes

- LHCK-LipCornersBack-Fwd
- LHCK-LipCornersDown-Up
- LHCK-LipCornersIn-Out
- LHCK-LipDefinition
- LHCK-LipHeavyUpper
- LHCK-LipLowerCenterHeight
- LHCK-LipLowerCleft
- LHCK-LipLowerFull
- LHCK-LipLowerThickness
- LHCK-LipProchelion
- LHCK-LipsBowed
- LHCK-LipsDownturned
- LHCK-LipsFull
- LHCK-LipsHeart
- LHCK-LipsPouty
- LHCK-LipsRound
- LHCK-LipsThin
- LHCK-LipsWidth
- LHCK-LipUpperCenterHeight
- LHCK-LipUpperCleft
- LHCK-LipUpperCurve
- LHCK-LipUpperFull
- LHCK-LipUpperPeak
- LHCK-LipUpperThickness


- LHCK-NoseAquiline
- LHCK-NoseBridgeDepth
- LHCK-NoseBridgeHeight
- LHCK-NoseBridgeWidth
- LHCK-NoseBulbous
- LHCK-NoseBump
- LHCK-NoseDelicate
- LHCK-NoseDown
- LHCK-NoseDroopy
- LHCK-NoseFlat
- LHCK-NoseFleshy
- LHCK-NoseGrecian
- LHCK-NoseLarge
- LHCK-NoseNubian
- LHCK-NosePinched
- LHCK-NosePointed
- LHCK-NoseProtrusion
- LHCK-NoseRidgeWidth
- LHCK-NoseRoman
- LHCK-NoseRound
- LHCK-NoseShapeSmall
- LHCK-NoseSlope
- LHCK-NoseSnub
- LHCK-NoseThin
- LHCK-NoseTipDepth
- LHCK-NoseTipForward
- LHCK-NoseTipUp
- LHCK-NoseUp
- LHCK-NoseWide
- LHCK-NoseWidth
- LHCK-NoseWingsThin
- LHCK-NoseWingsUp
- LHCK-NoseWingsWide
- LHCK-NostrilCreaseDepth
- LHCK-NostrilDepth
- LHCK-NostrilHeight
- LHCK-NostrilSize
- LHCK-SeptumHeight
- LHCK-SeptumWidth

Included GEN Morphs

- LHCK-BodyBuilder
- LHCK-BodyInvTriangle
- LHCK-BodyOval
- LHCK-BodyTriangle
- LHCK-Buff
- LHCK-Heavy
- LHCK-Muscular
- LHCK-Stout
- LHCK-Thin
- LHCK-Toned
- LHCK-Zombie
- LHCK-BellyDepth
- LHCK-BellyThickness
- LHCK-BellyThin
- LHCK-TorsoThickness

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