Shuttle Type Zero for Poser

3D Models released on Jul 11, 2020
Shuttle Type Zero for Poser by N/A

This shuttle is designed to take the crew from the ship to another location.
The pilot can steer the ship from the forward chair while another 6 people can sit in the other chairs.
You can also remove the chairs for more storage space.

Product Features:
* Poser figure: obj, cr2/ png, with 88,287 polygons.
* The spherical monitor above the helm console can rotate, with a Pose Control on the Body.
* The left and right doors can open and close, with Pose Control dials on the Body.
* The landing gear on the nacelles can raise and lower, with a Pose Control on the Body.
* The rear landing gear is a separate part which can be hidden or shown.
* All of the chairs are separate parts which can be rotated, repositioned, or hidden or shown.
- The tops of the chairs can rotate front to back.
* The left and right engine blades in the nacelles can rotate, with a Pose Control on the Body.

* Three texture schemes with material files to apply them:
- Blue
- Green (default)
- Red
* One set of texture maps.

All sales images rendered in Poser Pro 2012.

Designed for use in Poser 6 and above and not supported in any other software.

Price: $10.99 USD

325 3

Price: $10.99 USD

325 3