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Office Lady is a detailed 7-piece female business outfit for Dawn! Compatible with Poser.
What's Included & Features:
> Models (.obj, .cr2)
* Neck lace
* Shirt
* Shoes
* Skirt Long with Body Handles
* Skirt Short
* Vest
* Glasses
> Supported Full Body Morphs:
* BodyAmazon
* BodyBulk
* BodyChubby
* BodyPear
* BodyPetite
* BodyTall
* BodySuperModel
* BodyToned
* BodyVoluptuous
* BodyYoung
> Poses (.pz2)
* Feet helper pose to fit the shoes
> Materials (.mc6)
* 5 Glasses materials
* 2 Neck lace materials
* 6 Shirt materials
* 4 Shoes materials
* 5 Short Skirt materials
* 5 Long Skirt materials
* 4 Vest materials
* 9 Texture Maps (.jpg)
* 45 hi-res 4096 x 4096 textures