Poses for Diva

3D Figure Assets released on Jul 28, 2016
Poses for Diva by N/A

Base Figures:
Dawn - Dawn S.E.
Available Uses:

Poses for Diva includes 40 poses - 10 poses with their mirrored versions to use with Play for Diva Clogs, 10 barefoot poses with their mirrored versions, an expression pose and expression reset pose, and a pose to reset Dawn to the default pose.

Bonus Diva Fit and poses are included for the Violin and Bow from Musica Fantasia.


Dawn from HiveWire 3D
Diva for Dawn by Pendraia Fae from HiveWire 3D

Optional Product:
Musica Fantasia by Anima Gemini from HiveWire 3D

Designed to work with:

Aine for Diva
Play for Diva
Poses for Diva

See Editorial tab for What's Included & Features

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