18thc Fort Buildings are sets of building purposely to be equipped in the 18thc Fort.
To use 18thc Fort Buildings is a must to have 18thc Fort first. But it also can be used
with other product which compatible.
Buildings are :-
- FortV
- Safe House
- Safe House 2
- Army Barrack
- Head Quarter
- Fort Pave
FortV - the Main fort
Fort-VBridge -is the bridge between main fort and FortV
Fort-VC1 -is the fortV cylinder 1
Fort-VC2 -is the fortV cylinder 2
Fort-VC3 -is the fortV middle cylinder
Fort-VChairs -Benchs along the wall of fortV
Fort-VD1Close -is a door 1 in close position
Fort-VD2Close -is a door 2 in close position
Fort-VD3Open -is a door 1 in open position
Fort-VD4Open -is a door 2 in open position
Fort-VMid -is the stairs in the middle of the fortV
FortVB-Pave -is pavement along the buildings
Safe House
Safe House -is a small house to defend the fort.
DoorSH1-Close -is a right main door in close position.
DoorSH2-Close -is a left main door in close position.
DoorSH1-Open -is a left main door in open position.
DoorSH2-Open -is a right main door in open position.
WinSH -is a main wooden window/door.
Safe House 2
Safe House 2 -is a big house to defend the fort.
DoorSHB1-Close -is main right door in close position.
DoorSHB2-Close -is main left door in close position.
DoorSHB1-Open -is main right door in open position.
DoorSHB2-Open -is main left door in open position.
WinSHB -All wooden window/door in close position.
Army Barrack
Army Barrack - An army barrack for army to sleep and rest.
DoorAB1-Close - All right door in close position.
DoorAB2-Close - All left door in close position.
DoorAB1-Open - All right door in open position.
DoorAB2-Open - All left door in open position.
WinAB - All wooden window/door in close position.
Head Quarter
Head Quarter - A place for management office.
DoorMidHQ1-Close - All mid right door in close position.
DoorMidHQ2-Close - All mid left door in close position.
DoorMidHQ1-Open - All Mid right door in open position.
DoorMidHQ2-Open - All mid left door in open position.
DoorSideHQ-Close - All side left/right door in close position.
WinHQ - All wooden window/door in close position.
Camera01 - On top of full fortV
Camera02 - On top of FortV
Camera03 - In the middle of fortV middle cylinder
Camera04 - In the middle of fortV towards fortV Bridge.
Scene to assist you to place the building as you see fit.
- 18thcFortBuildings-AB
- 18thcFortBuildings-Full
- 18thcFortBuildings-SH2
- Scene 01
- Scene 02
- Scene 03
- Safe House
- Safe House - Full
- Safe House 2
- Safe House 2 - Full
- Army Barrack
- Army Barrack - Full
- Head Quarter
- Head Quarter - Full