The beholder is a fictional monster in some fantasy role-playing games. It is depicted as a floating orb of flesh with a large mouth, single central eye, and many smaller eyestalks on top with powerful magical abilities.Our variant of beholder monster is somewhat different, but just as dangerous. It has no mouth, for as a magical being he does not need any solid food, but only fresh magical energy. instead, it has a multitude of movable tentacles topped with sharp claws with vile nerve poison. In addition, the large primary eye has hypnotic abilities. Creatures like this are usually used to guard underground complexes, caves and dungeons
What is included:
Poser ERC figures:
Oculus Guard - erc standalone figure
easypose dials on all tentacles and eyestalks
option Ik chains for calws tentacles
3 full texture options (each part main eye, secondary, eyes, skin and claws can be combined with any other texture)
5 primary eye variant
Attack and Defense pose preset, Zeroed pose
Up to 4kx4k and textures suitable for closeups, Unpacked Runtime Size: 60 MB.
suitable for animations. Original Design.