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Greenwich Street, the full scenario to start our journey where all possibilities coexist!
Use it with London Cafe - Blue Angel and Street Clock - Blue Angel.
By purchasing this product, you are supporting my project "Blue Angel", a retrofuturistic series.
Included in this package:
Full Scene:
* Greenwich Street Blue Angel
Zero Props:
* GSBA B02
* GSBA B03
* GSBA B04
* GSBA B05
* GSBA B05-chair
* GSBA B05-gate
* GSBA B05-roundtable
* GSBA B05-table
* GSBA B05-wall
* GSBA B06
* GSBA B07
* GSBA B08
* GSBA B09
* GSBA B10
* GSBA B11
* GSBA B12
* GSBA B13
* GSBA B14
* GSBA Bollard
* GSBA Lighstreet
* GSBA Street
* B02-light-OFF
* B02-light-ON
* B03-light-OFF
* B03-light-ON
* B04-light-OFF
* B04-light-ON
* B05-light-OFF
* B05-light-ON
* B06-light-OFF
* B06-light-ON
* B07-light-OFF
* B07-light-ON
* B08-light-OFF
* B08-light-ON
* B09-light-OFF
* B09-light-ON
* B10-light-OFF
* B10-light-ON
* B11-light-OFF
* B11-light-ON
* B12-light-OFF
* B12-light-ON
* B13-light-OFF
* B13-light-ON
* B14-light-OFF
* B14-light-ON
* Lightstreet-light-OFF
* Lightstreet-light-ON
Textures Include:
* 221 Texture Maps (512 x 512 to 8192 x 8192)
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