EV Ocean FX Vol 2 - Poser

3D Models released on Jun 22, 2023
EV Ocean FX Vol 2 - Poser by N/A

A ghost ship surrounded by 200 x 200 meters of ocean waves and fog. The animation will loop.

- Ocean surface tile as figure (can be duplicated to cover large areas);
- Ocean floor as a simple black square plane in the same figure;
- Morphs injection to animate the ocean (keyframes at each 10 interval, interpolated between);
- Animated pose sequence for the morphs;
- Default material preset for ocean and ocean floor (in case you need it after changes);
- Fog volume covering the ocean tile, as a separate prop;
- Ghost ship in a prop group which includes an (keyframe based) animated invisible prop as parent (can be used to easily animate other props), and the sailcloth as child (animation baked in morph sequence, all frames for better quality);
- Animated texture for the water foam effect, as image sequence (240 jpg files);
- PBR image textures (color, normal, roughness) for ship and sailcloth, 4K resolution;
- UV map templates included, the sailcloth is easily customizable with a user friendly UV layout!

Note: use an HDRI image to light your scene for the water to look like the promos.

Have fun!

(c)2023 E. Vargas. All rights reserved.

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