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DAZ Studio 4 With IRAY
Get your ladies ready for a new dynamic dress for Genesis8Females.
You get:
-Heroine Dress for Genesis8Females, dForce optimized
-6 Mats, iray optimized
-Simulation settings
Leg wraps NOT included!
Included morphs:
Adjust AbdomenL, Adjust AbdomenR
Adjust Back
Adjust BreastL, Adjust BreastLExpand, Adjust BreastLInside, Adjust BreastLOutside
Adjust BreastLTop, Adjust BreastLUnderside
Adjust BreastR, Adjust BreastRExpand, Adjust BreastRInside, Adjust BreastROutside
Adjust BreastRTop, Adjust BreastRUnderside
Adjust BreastsCenter
Adjust ChestL, Adjust ChestR
Adjust ChestLowerL, Adjust ChestLowerR
Adjust ChestUpper
Adjust CollarLFront, Adjust CollarLTop
Adjust CollarRFront, Adjust CollarRTop
Adjust GluteL, Adjust GluteR
Adjust Glutes
Adjust HipBack, Adjust HipBackL, Adjust HipBackR
Adjust HipFront, Adjust HipFrontL, Adjust HipFrontR
Adjust HipL, Adjust HipR
Adjust NeckBack, Adjust NeckFront
Adjust NeckL, Adjust NeckLBack, Adjust NeckLFront
Adjust NeckR, Adjust NeckRBack, Adjust NeckRFront
Adjust ScapulaL, Adjust ScapulaR
Adjust SkirtBack, Adjust SkirtBackWiden
Adjust SkirtFront
Adjust WaistL, Adjust WaistLBack
Adjust WaistR, Adjust WaistRBack
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