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Your La Femme Blakely Warrior lives for warfare and is skilful in battle.
And your La Femme Blakely Rogue is stealthy and agile in combat.
The Blakely Dress and Bodysuit are Dynamic Cloths.
HINT: Check out my Free Stuff page to fit this to LaFemme2
What you get with this package:
Figures (.obj, .pp2, .cr2)
BlakelyBoots -LaFemme
Hand Poses (.hd2)
BlakelySword -LaFemme
Materials (.mc6, .mlc)
7 Superfly materials for Blakely WarriorRogue Boots
6 Superfly materials for Blakely WarriorRogue Sword
7 Superfly materials for Blakely WarriorRogue Dress
7 Superfly materials for Blakely WarriorRogue Bodysuit
5 Superfly second skin materials for Blakely WarriorRogue Gloves