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Darlina can be so many exciting, glamorous ladies.
She has a beautiful, versitile set of options for your runtimes.
This set is loaded with features.
:2 INJ Head Mats.
:2 REM Head Mats.
4:Skin tones.
4:Eye colors.
4:Lash and brow colors.
1:Separate lash and brow removal set.
4:Nail clors.
1:Natural fingernail color.
1:Natural toenail color.
16:Makeup options.
1:EyeshadoeLiner Remove Mat.
1:Lipstick remove Mat.
Clothing and hair products used in my promos are not included.
The Dresses and some hair items shown are...
Used for Artistic promo:
Other products:
WildOrchidHair byPropschick and goldtassel at Daz 3d.
Beautiful_Black_HairStyles by Neftis.
Isabel_Hair by Propschick and goldtassel at Daz 3d.
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