Love is in the air... and on the floor! Tease the crowd with this lovely high heel shoes for your Genesis 9 characters.
Made for the Genesis 9 figure / body shape. Model mesh has 23096 points.
Jul 27, 2024 - Added morph support for multiple character shapes (list in ReadMe).
- A pair of high heel shoes as conforming figure for Genesis 9;
- Pose presets for Genesis 9: zero posed feet only (for when you have her in a full body pose already), zero posed above ground (full body high heeled, legs together);
- Adjustment morphs;
- JCMs (joint controlled morphs / automatic) that help preserve the shape while the figure moves;
- Material presets for Iray: 10 styles + additional hide parts and a LIE overlay for the main strap (mouth print);
- Static prop version included, with left/right options;
- 6 image texture files. Including 4k resolution color, normal, roughness, metalness for the default and auxiliary textures for other styles;
- UV map templates included.
G9 Supported shapes (other shapes may be supported by auto-follow but may require some tweaking for best results):
Base Feminine Body
Base Masculine Body
Ally 9 Body
Amala Body
Angela 9 Body
CJ Riley 9 Body
EF Lottie 9 Body
FBM Lou Zeeba for Genesis 9
Vo Renata Body
HH Belle Body
JS Nabi Body
Josie 9 Body
Karmen 9 Body
Kat Body
EG Kin Body
Kiri 9 Body
Laura Body
MR Maria Body
MSO Dola Body
Mira 9 Body
Van Helsing 9 Body
Victoria 9 Body
Xiu Lin 9 Body
MM Diana Dream Body