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DAZ Studio 4 With IRAY
This is the ideal outfit for your witches and sorceresses.
You get:
-BMA Leotard for Genesis8Female
-BMA Skirt for Genesis8Female, dForce optimized
-5 Mat sets, iray optimized
Included Morphs:
Alawa8, Alexandra8, Bridget8, Charlotte8, Daisy8,
Ellithia8, Eva8, Gabriela8, Gia8, Girl8, Honni8,
Kanade8, Kayo8, Latonya8, Leisa8, MeiLin8, Monique8
Olympia8, Penny8, Sahira8, Sakura8, Sydney8, Tasha8
Victoria8, Zelara8
Kiko8_1, RosaMaria8_1, Victoria8_1
BodybuilderDetails, BodybuilderSize, FitnessSize
Heavy, Voluptuous
BreastsCleavage, BreastsDiameter, BreastsHeavy
BreastsImplants, BreastsNatural
BreastsShape01, BreastsShape02, BreastsShape03
BreastsShape04, BreastsShape05, BreastsShape06
BreastsShape07, BreastsShape08
BreastsSize, BreastsSmall, BreastsUnderCurve
Adjust Abdomen
Adjust BackBottom, Adjust BackMid, Adjust BackTop
Adjust BreastL, Adjust BreastLCenter, Adjust BreastLExpand
Adjust BreastLInside, Adjust BreastLOutside
Adjust BreastLTop, Adjust BreastLUnderside
Adjust BreastR, Adjust BreastRCenter, Adjust BreastRExpand
Adjust BreastRInside, Adjust BreastROutside
Adjust BreastRTop, Adjust BreastRUnderside
Adjust Cameltoe, Adjust SmoothCrotch
Adjust ChestCenter, Adjust ChestL, Adjust ChestR
Adjust CollarLBack, Adjust CollarLFront, Adjust CollarLTop
Adjust CollarRBack, Adjust CollarRFront, Adjust CollarRTop
Adjust Crotch, Adjust CrotchBack, Adjust CrotchFront
Adjust CrotchExposeLeft, Adjust CrotchExposeRight
Adjust ForearmL, Adjust ForearmR
Adjust GluteL, Adjust GluteR
Adjust HipBack, Adjust HipFront, Adjust HipL, Adjust HipR
Adjust ShoulderL, Adjust ShoulderR
Adjust WaistL, Adjust WaistR
Alawa8, Latonya8, Leisa8, Olympia8
Heavy, Voluptuous
Adjust GluteL, Adjust GluteR
Adjust HipBack, Adjust HipFront
Adjust HipL, Adjust HipR
Adjust SkirtBackLift, Adjust SkirtFront
Adjust SkirtFrontL, Adjust SkirtFrontLift, Adjust SkirtFrontR
Adjust SkirtL, Adjust SkirtLBack, Adjust SkirtLLift, Adjust SkirtLOpen
Adjust SkirtR, Adjust SkirtRBack, Adjust SkirtRLift, Adjust SkirtROpen
Adjust SkirtWiden
Adjust WaistL, Adjust WaistR
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