AtoZ Geeble Tower Bridges I v1
"Control, who is this guy? He's got two armed Cybers and a Level One Agent as escorts!"
"Don't you worry who he is. Just keep the Stairs blocked and make sure he is escorted through Security!"
"OK, I won't worry my little head about this, but it is way out of the ordinary!"
The Interior of the AtoZ Geeble Tower Bridges lends itself to awesome situations!
Create many configurations using the "Bridge Sections" and Intersections included to design environments for your own exciting adventures!
And these Tower Bridges can also serve for much more common useages ...
HEY! It's quitting time!
So, as we leave our offices we opt to take the "elite" upper level of our Geeble Tower Brides heading home. We breeze along Walkway after Walkway. I offer the usual "Have a good evening!" to my partner as I turn left onto the WW-3 section at the first "T" we get too. Thomas bids me the usual "G'nite" as he continues on. He's go a much longer Bridge trip than I have, rank will get you that.
We've been doing this for years ever since the Tower Bridges were first built and the walkways perfected. Now, they almost never break down. These walkways are reliable, even if they and the "tunnel-like" sections of these Tower Bridges are looking a bit worn. Throughout the city these bridges are the sure way to get place to place.
Yes, there are intersection after intersection, and at a few, one does have to walk through the Security Turnstiles, but still there is no better climate controlled way to get from Geeble/Greeble building to building easily as we can inside these Tower Bridges!.
And, if you add this AtoZ offering to your runtimes... May I thank you in advance!
This AtoZ offering includes:
Runtime>Libraries>TJM>Geeble Bldgs>Geeble Tower Bridges>
!Pre A2Z GTB Sec Plus 1-4 Assy
!Pre A2Z GTB Security Turnstyle
!Pre A2Z GTBs Assy 1
!Pre GTB 10X Assy
!Pre GTB 9X Assy
!Pre GTB Lower Security
!Pre GTB Sect 1-4
!Pre GTB Security Section 01
!Pre GTB Upper Security
A2Z Geeble Sect 01 Bridge - Basic Tower Bridge Structure
A2Z Geeble Sect 02 Bridge - Basic Tower Bridge Structure with side windows
A2Z Geeble Sect 03 Bridge - Basic Tower Bridge Structure goes fancy with top bottom plus floor
and mid-floor glassed in openings plus open ceilings!
A2Z Geeble Sect 04 Bridge Assy - Basic Tower Bridge Structure that includes a mid-floor opening
for the included (prop) Staircase allowing access to the lower
level also includes its attached Upper Railing!
A2Z GTB Intersect 01 - Four Way Tower X Intersection
A2Z GTB Intersect 02 - Three Way Tower T Intersection
A2Z GTB Trash 01 - top opening articulated Trash Can!
A2Z GTB Turnstyle 01 - Articulated Full Height Security Turnstile (preloads listed above)
Note: All four Main Sections, as well as, the two Intersections have EZ2 hide outer walls for your camera shots! And
for perfectionists, the ceilings, mid, and bottom floors can be adjusted up and down as well!