Period: Late Carboniferous to Triassic. 307 to 201 Million Years Ago.
Notes: A lycopsid plant that appeared during the late Carboniferous and went extinct during the Triassic period. There are no direct modern day relatives, but the plant is closely related to quillworts. It grew to around 2 metres tall and had a straight, non-branching stem and a thickened, tuberous base. It is believed to have been mostly semi-aquatic, and found in ponds and slowly moving streams where it grew in dense thickets under larger plants. The upper part consisted of a fertile fruiting zone, below which narrow leaves grew directly from the stem. Woody fibres were present, mainly in the lower part of the plant. Fossils have been found throughout the northern hemisphere.
Presets in this Package: 14 High Poly and 14 Low Poly.
1. Standard. Fully mature and in good health. Useable in most scenes.
2. Thriving. Peak health.
3. Distressed. Declining health with some diseased and broken foliage.
4. Unhealthy. Poor state with considerable foliage missing or diseased.
5. Dying. Just hanging onto life and showing only unhealthy and diseased foliage.
6. Dead. Showing only bare and broken branches and dead foliage.
7. Ancient. Very old plant, larger and considerably gnarled.
8. Young. Smaller plant, fully mature but still growing.
9. Growing. Plant not yet mature, some half way through its growing cycle.
10. Immature. Very small and young plant.
11. Seedling. Very young plant just forming its first true leaves.
12. Single Plant. One plant only.
13. Smaller Patch. A small patch containing a few plants.
14. Larger Patch. A large patch with many plants.
All models can be switched between High Poly for close up renders, image or video production, and Low Poly for distant renders, use as game assets, or in real-time applications. All materials in this package are certified PBR compliant and have been tested in Unity and Unreal. Any reasonable modification available upon request. No charge to existing customers of the product, please contact via site mail.
EVERYPlant has a mission ... which is to model every plant species in the world (plus some extinct, fantasy and sci-fi variations as well)! Okay, maybe not EVERY plant! If you don't see it in our store, please get in contact; we have thousands of species on file awaiting upload.