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DAZ Studio 4 With IRAY
We created a new cute and sexy lingerie for Genesis8Female.
Seduction for your renders.
You get:
-wearable preset for Genesis8Female
-Panties for Genesis8Female
-Stockings for Genesis8Female
-Suit for Genesis8Female
-Bows for Genesis8Female
Please refer the readme for usage tips!
Included Morphs:
Aiko8, CJ8, Ellithia8, Girl8, Latonya8
Monique8, Olympia8, Victoria8, Zelara8
BodybuilderSize, Emaciated, FitnessSize, Heavy, PearFigure, Voluptuous
Adjust Crotch, Adjust CrotchBack, Adjust CrotchFront
Adjust Glutes
Adjust HipBack, Adjust HipBackL, Adjust HipBackR
Adjust HipFront, Adjust HipFrontL, Adjust HipFrontR
Adjust HipFront2, Adjust HipFront2L, Adjust HipFront2R
Adjust HipL, Adjust HipLBack, Adjust HipLFront
Adjust HipR, Adjust HipRBack, Adjust HipRFront
Stockings L/R:
Aiko8, CJ8, Ellithia8, Girl8, Latonya8
Monique8, Olympia8, Victoria8, Zelara8
BodybuilderSize, Emaciated, FitnessSize, Heavy, PearFigure, Voluptuous
Adjust Ankle, Adjust AnkleInside, Adjust AnkleOutside
Adjust Calf
Adjust Foot, Adjust FootBend
Adjust Heel
Adjust Knee, Adjust KneeBend, Adjust KneeBendInside, Adjust KneeBendOutside, Adjust KneeInside, Adjust KneeOutside
Adjust Shin, Adjust ShinInside, Adjust ShinOutside
Adjust Stockings2Clip
Adjust ThighBack, Adjust ThighBackInside, Adjust ThighBackOutside
Adjust ThighFront, Adjust ThighFrontInside, Adjust ThighFrontOutside
Adjust ThighInside, Adjust ThighOutside
Adjust ThighTopBack, Adjust ThighTopBackInside, Adjust ThighTopBackOutside
Adjust ThighTopFront, Adjust ThighTopFrontInside, Adjust ThighTopFrontOutside
Adjust ThighTopInside, Adjust ThighTopOutside
Adjust ToeBig, Adjust ToeSmall, Adjust Toes, Adjust ToesOther, Adjust ToesTop, Adjust ToesUnderside
Aiko8, Alawa8, Babina8, Bridget8, CJ8
Ellithia8, Eva8, Freja8, Gabriela8, Girl8
Honni8, Kala8, Kayo8, Latonya8, Leisa8
MeiLin8, Millawa8, Monique8, Olympia8
Penny8, Sakura8, Sydney8, Tasha8, Twosret8
Victoria8, Zelara8
BodybuilderSize, Emaciated, FitnessSize, Heavy, PearFigure, Voluptuous
BreastsImplants, BreastsShape01, BreastsShape02, BreastsShape03, BreastsShape04
BreastsShape05, BreastsShape06, BreastsShape07, BreastsShape08, BreastsSize
Adjust Abdomen, Adjust AbdomenL, Adjust AbdomenR
Adjust AbdomenUpper, Adjust AbdomenUpperL, Adjust AbdomenUpperR
Adjust BreastL, Adjust BreastLCenter, Adjust BreastLExpand
Adjust BreastLInside, Adjust BreastLOutside, Adjust BreastLTop, Adjust BreastLUnderside
Adjust BreastR, Adjust BreastRCenter, Adjust BreastRExpand
Adjust BreastRInside, Adjust BreastROutside, Adjust BreastRTop, Adjust BreastRUnderside
Adjust BreastsCenter, Adjust BreastsCenter2
Adjust ChestBack, Adjust ChestBackL, Adjust ChestBackR
Adjust ChestL, Adjust ChestR
Adjust ChestLowerL, Adjust ChestLowerR
Adjust ChestUpperL, Adjust ChestUpperR
Adjust ClipLBack, Adjust ClipLFront
Adjust ClipRBack, Adjust ClipRFront
Adjust GluteL, Adjust GluteLUpper
Adjust GluteR, Adjust GluteRUpper
Adjust HipBack, Adjust HipBackL, Adjust HipBackR
Adjust HipFrontL, Adjust HipFrontR
Adjust HipL, Adjust HipR
Adjust NeckBack, Adjust NeckBackL, Adjust NeckBackR
Adjust NeckFront, Adjust NeckFrontL, Adjust NeckFrontR
Adjust NeckL, Adjust NeckR
Adjust ThighLBack, Adjust ThighLBackInside, Adjust ThighLBackOutside
Adjust ThighLFront, Adjust ThighLFrontInside, Adjust ThighLFrontOutside
Adjust ThighLFrontUpper, Adjust ThighLInside, Adjust ThighLOutside
Adjust ThighRBack, Adjust ThighRBackInside, Adjust ThighRBackOutside
Adjust ThighRFront, Adjust ThighRFrontInside, Adjust ThighRFrontOutside
Adjust ThighRFrontUpper, Adjust ThighRInside, Adjust ThighROutside
Adjust WaistBack, Adjust WaistBackL, Adjust WaistBackR
Adjust WaistL, Adjust WaistR
Adjust BowCenter
Adjust BowLeft, Adjust BowLeftBottom, Adjust BowLeftMiddle, Adjust BowLeftTop
Adjust BowRight, Adjust BowRightBottom, Adjust BowRightMiddle, Adjust BowRightTop
Adjust Move Back-Front, Adjust Move Down-Up, Adjust Move Left-Right, Adjust Pitch
Adjust RibbonLeft, Adjust RibbonRight, Adjust Roll, Adjust Yaw
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