Notes: A common species of yucca native to the arid areas of the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. It can be found in several habitat types including Pinyon woodlands, desert grassland, Creosote bush scrub, sagebrush, and ponderosa pine colonies at elevations generally between 1,500 and 2,500m. The young flower stalks can be cooked and eaten, with the tough outer rind discarded. The fruit can be eaten raw or cooked, in the latter case resembling sweet potato. Ancestral Puebloan peoples used the fibbers derived from the leaves to create sandals and cordage, and the root was used as soap.
There are 20 models in this set:
3x Standard. Green, fully mature and in good health. Useable in most scenes.
6x Season. Flowering, and fruiting.
5x Health. Thriving, distress, unhealthy, dying, and dead.
6x Maturity. Ancient, young, growing, immature, forming, and sapling.
Any reasonable modification available upon request. No charge to existing customers of the product, please contact via site mail.
EVERYPlant has a mission ... which is to model every plant species in the world (plus some extinct, fantasy and sci-fi variations as well)! Okay, maybe not EVERY plant! If you don't see it in our store, please get in contact; we have thousands of species on file awaiting upload.