Diva Hair

3D Figure Assets released on Aug 23, 2005
Diva Hair by N/A

Available Uses:

NOTE: Please download the PNG files for Diva hair here:

Diva Hair

- Includes Conforming Hair Figures to: Aiko 3/ Aiko 3 Realistic, David 3, Hiro 3/Hiro 3 Realistic, Laura 3/Luke 3, Michael 3, Maddie 3/Matt 3, Jessi P6, Stephanie Petite 3.
Includes better Universal Prop Hair (hr2).
- All textures have been reworked.
- The transmaps have been reworked.
- Includes style poses.
- New OBJ files.

This product includes:
- 1 Conforming file to Aiko 3 and Aiko 3 Realistic
- 1 Conforming file to David 3
- 1 Conforming file to Hiro 3 and Hiro 3 Realistic
- 1 Conforming file to Laura 3 and Luke 3
- 1 Conforming file to Michael 3
- 1 Conforming file to Maddie 3 and Matt 3
- 1 Conforming file to P6 Jessi
- 1 Conforming file to Stephanie 3
- 1 Conforming file to Victoria 3
- 1 Hair prop - UNIVERSAL (default fit: Victoria 3)
- 2 MAT appearence poses to Conforming files
- 2 MAT appearence poses to Hair prop - UNIVERSAL
- 5 MAT Color poses (Conforming and Hair prop)
- 1 RESEST ALL morphs pose (Conforming and Hair prop)
- 3 Parting style poses (Conforming and Hair prop)
- 2 Forehead style poses (Conforming and Hair prop)
- 5 Wave style poses (Conforming and Hair prop)
- 3 Upper Volume style poses (Conforming and Hair prop)
- 2 Forehead style poses (Conforming and Hair prop)
- 5 Wave style poses (Conforming and Hair prop)
- 3 Upper Volume style poses (Conforming and Hair prop)
- 5 Lower Volume style poses (Conforming and Hair prop)
- 7 Show Face style poses (Conforming and Hair prop)
- 19 Open Neck style poses (Conforming and Hair prop)
- 26 Wind style poses (Conforming and Hair prop)
- 5 Natural color Textures
- 2 Transparency maps
- 8 OBJ files
- RSR files and 4 PNG files
- README with detailed Instructions

Price: $13.95 USD

3690 5

Price: $13.95 USD

3690 5