Pyrotechnica for Poser

2D Graphics released on Jul 22, 2010
Pyrotechnica for Poser by N/A

Poser 6 or later or DAZ|Studio 3.1 or later.
Available Uses:

Burn it up with Pyrotechnica.

Creating realistic fire and pyrotechnic effects is a complicated, time consuming process. With Pyrotechnica, the work's been done for you.

Select the prop you want, position and render. It's that simple.

This is an updated version of Pyrotechnica and is now DAZ|Studio compatible, complete with D|S
Material Presets.

All the textures are now larger at 1024 x 1024 pixels, some effects have been re-done and there is now a total of 31 effects.

The Poser material settings have all been re-done to load correctly into more current versions of Poser.

Poser 6 or greater is now required to use the props.

The objects and textures are usable in any 3d rendering software that can import .obj format objects and utilise transparency maps.

You can scale the props down for smaller effects or layer multiple props for a real conflagration.

Price: $12.00 USD

4519 3

Price: $12.00 USD

4519 3