1 - Please download the free expasion for more figures here (La Femme, L'Homme, Michael 4, Victoria 4, etc): https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpk771jj970y5zw/USC_UpdateForMoreFigures.zip?dl=0
2 - Please download the PNG files for USC here:
Please download the free updates for V4 and A4 here:
Aiko 4 update
Victoria 4 update
Universal Skull Caps - Smart props that:
- can be combined with dynamic hair
- can be combined with transmapped hair
- can be used for post work hair
- can be just used as a simple hair
- are compatible with any skin color
This product includes:
- 1 Universal smart prop and OBJ file with 124 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to Aiko 1 with 10 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to Aiko 3 with 10 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to Aiko 3 Realistic with 10 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to AnimeDoll with 10 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to Apollo Maximus 2005 with 10 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to Ben with 10 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to David 3 with 10 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to Dina V with 10 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to EJ with 10 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to Elle with 10 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to Freak with 10 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to Girl with 10 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to Hiro 3 with 10 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to James with 11 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to Jessi with 11 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to Kate with 10 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to Koji with 10 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to Koshini 1 and 2 with 10 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to LaRoo 2 with 10 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to Laura 3 and Luke 3 with 10 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to Maddie 3 and Matt 3 with 10 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to Michael 1 and 2 with 10 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to Michael 3 with 10 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to Miki with 10 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to Nadya with 10 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to NeftOoN PAL with 10 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to Rosy Cheeks Lina with 10 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to She-Freak with 10 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to Stephanie 1 with 10 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to Stephanie Petite 3 with 10 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to Terai Yuki 2 with 10 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to Victoria 1 and 2 with 10 morphs
- 1 smart prop and OBJ file to Victoria 3 with 10 morphs
- 2 transparency maps
- 7 natural texture maps (platinum blonde, blonde, dark blonde, red, brown, black and old)
- 28 MAT files (14 Soft Shadows and 14 Normal Shadows)
- 2 MAT appearence poses