Train Set 1 Textures

3D Models released on Dec 22, 2005
Train Set 1 Textures by N/A

Poser 5 & higher, and the Train Set 1
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Train Set 1 Textures

This is a set of textures for the "Train Set 1" product. Please note that this product requires the previous purchase and installation of the "Train Set 1" product.

.: Contents :.

- Boxcar: 5 textures and MAT poses
- CoalCar 1: 5 textures and MAT poses
- CoalCar 2: 5 textures and MAT poses
- Flatcar: 5 textures and MAT poses
- TankerCar: 5 textures and MAT poses
- "Special Edition" Crystal Cars: a set of MAT poses for each train car (Boxcar, Caboose, CoalCar1, CoalCar2, Engine, Flatcar, and TankerCar) which simulates a blue-ish glass coloring. (For use only in Poser 5 and above.)

Feel free to mix & match textures to suit your taste. For example, on the TankerCar, you could use the pipes from texture #2 with the exterior from texture #5.

.: Textures :.

These textures are based on actual designs found on toy trains. To avoid any potential copyright issues, the railroad-company names have been changed.
- Merchandise Service: This rail line transported various goods all over America... until they were bought up by TRW.
- State of Florida: In service since the early 1930's, this railway delivers fresh fruit from the state of Florida.
- ComRail: Formed from the merger of Pacific Rail and Atlantic West, they completely overhauled the company, giving it a new name, but keeping the distictive "cresting wave" logo from Pacific Rail.
- Rio Bravo: Operating in the American SouthWest, this rail line connected Texas to Arizona to California.
- TRW: Also known as Trans-RailWays, they are the latest of the super-conglomerate rail lines. Over the years, they purchased smaller carriers such as Merchandise Service, Rio Grando, and New England Transport. Currently, they're in a bidding war with ComRail over distribution rights in Europe.
- Union Railway Line: Even though this rail line went out of business in the mid-1980's, some of their cars are still in operation. If you look closely, maybe you'll spot one!

Model created for RPublishing by Vanishing Point

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