Living Doll for M4 - a merchant resource

2D Graphics released on Jan 21, 2009
Living Doll for M4 - a merchant resource by N/A

Contains Adult Content!

Contains Adult Content!

Any graphic applicaton that handles psd-files - the product was tested with Adobe Photoshop CS3 and Photoshop Elements
Available Uses:

Living Doll for M4
A merchant resource

You are a Poser merchant or an advanced Poser user and you enjoy creating your own characters...

...more than once you where disapointed when using jpg-resources that show artifacts after you altered them and saved them (again)?

Do you need a resource that is easy to alter?

Do you struggle with bump maps?

Do you hate cleaning up seams?

Do you want realism?

Do you own at least Photoshop Elements?

Do you already own Living Doll for V4 and enjoy to use it?

If you said "Yes!" when reading the one or other sentence above than Living Doll for Michael 4 is made for you!!

What you get when buying the Living Doll-resource is a carefully made set of psd-files. They give you the option to create jpgs from this set that are only compressed once: When you save them to the textures-folder that goes with your character.

All additional features are kept on seperate layers with a transparent background. The highly detailed basic parts do not contain lips, brows, veins, navel and so on. You can decide for your preferred set and add it to the base - or give your creation even more personality by adding your own ideas - and this system makes the little tricks like colorshifting a detail or altering it's saturation easy and fun.

For all parts that look better with a bump map we have created high quality bumps in the same way: The features are kept on seperate layers! The classic "problem parts" like moles, brows, lips and the areola are already hand-edited to show the desired bump effect when used in Poser.

Every part of this resource contains lots of little helpers and extras like veins, different brows and guiding layers to help you when you want to add your own parts like armpits or different lips.

Look what you get:
An eye resource containing
7 iris textures
4 eyewhites with
4 matching bump maps
3 lacrimals with
3 matching bump maps
5 overlays in different colors to cover the iris-region on the eyewhite
1 larger overlay that can be used as a guide
1 eyewhite-transparency
2 pupils (regular and slightly larger)
1 outer ring to blend over the iris
An eyesurface resource containing
4 bump maps for the eyesurface, matching the included eyewhites.
A face resource containing
1 photorealistic base-texture, highly detailed but without brows and lips
1 matching bump map for the basic face
3 lips (all from photos of different persons - no color shifting!)
3 matching bump maps for the lips
3 sets of brows
3 matching bump maps for the brows
a handy guide to help you when adding your own lips and beards
An eyelash resource containing
1 eyelash transparencies
A resource for the inner mouth containing
1 set of teeth
1 set with gums and tongue
1 matching bump map with gums and tongue
A resource for the torso containing
1 photorealistic base-texture, highly detailed but without nipples and navel
1 matching bump map for the basic torso
1 navel on a seperate layer
1 matching bump map for the navel
2 sets of nipples/areola (paler and darker)
2 matching bump maps for the nipples
1 set of veins that you can cut into pieces and move around
1 set of alternative armpits
1 matching bump map for the armpits
a handy guide to help you when adding your own armpits and nipples.
A resource for the limbs containing
A photorealistic base-texture, highly detailed but without knee-details
1 matching bump map for the basic limbs
1 set of knees
1 matching bump map for the knees
1 set of alternative armpits
1 matching bump map for the armpits
1 set of veins that you can cut into pieces and move around
1 set of fingernails
1 set of nailtips for the fingernails
1 set of toenails
1 set of nailtips for the toenails
a handy guide to help you when adding your own armpits, elbows and knees.
A resource for the genitals containing
A photorealistic texture
1 matching bump map for the texture
1 transparency for the pubic hair material
A brief illustrated tutorial on how to use your new resource

Hair, morphs and clothes used in the promotional images are not included!

Used items for the promotional images:
Digital Curls (Neftis/DAZ), Streetwear Jeans for M3 (DAZ/Billy-T), converted with WW2 by PhilC , Stylin Boots (DAZ), Poses by
Atlantistyle (Basil/Andre), converted with Puppet Master (CP).
Steelworks by tabala, Digital-Lion and SaintFox
Natural Beauty lights (all images rendered with set #06 AO) by SaintFox
All images rendered in Poser Pro Firefly.

Price: $19.50 USD

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Price: $19.50 USD

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