
3D Base Figures released on Mar 12, 2009
Environment_04 by N/A

Poser 6 or greater
Available Uses:

Environment_04 is a large scale sci-fi environment for Poser, consisting of a Tower figure and parented props.

The roof antennae, air ducts/intakes on the tower, doors and landing pad railings and antennae can all be hidden or loaded as needed, to give you flexibility in setting up your renders.

There's a scene file included with the lighting shown in these promo shots.
Extensive use has been made of material based Ambient Occlusion and shader nodes to add extra realism to the scene. There are also material presets provided to turn the Ambient Occlusion on or off, so you don't have to mess around with
nodes at all. Simply apply the presets and render.

The doors open and close and of course there is a fully rendered lift interior.