m&K Flames PNGs & Brushes

2D Graphics released on Jan 14, 2011
m&K Flames PNGs & Brushes by N/A

Photoshop 7 and up for the Brushes. A graphics program supporting .PNG images.
Available Uses:

Flames (PNGs & Brushes) by Kassie and mystikel
There are 67 brushes in this set and
5 transparent .png files of flames.
The brushes are created from actual photos of fire. Most are sized over 2000pxls
The brushes are saved in 3 zip files due to the large size of them.
The 5 transparent flame .png files are sized between 2800 pxls and 3200 pxls.
Can be used for creating stationary (invites, cards, posters), personal scrapbooking, digital art and design, web graphics and so on.

Price: $10.00 USD

2516 2

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Price: $10.00 USD

2516 2