--A Set of 24 SEAGLASS PS Layer Styles w/Free Sand & Sea Styles Mini-Set
by fractalartist01
--Beautiful glass that is naturally created in the ocean is the focus of this layer styles set for Photoshop CC 2019 and Photoshop 7 & Above.
--Clear and colored glass with hints of gold and silver streaming through it makes these styles just as beautiful to use for your gems and jewels as it is to use on your favorite ocean-motif images.
--Check out the product preview pages to view just how beautiful and natural these styles can make your new layered designs appear.
--To coordinate with this set are eight free additional styles for you which are from sand/ water/beach-related color palettes. Please see the Free Gift Info product page to view the styles you will be receiving as your gift with purchase.
--Created with seamless patterns/textures at 300dpi make these styles perfect for re-scaling in size and can be used in either your print or web designs.