Steampunk Architecture is significant by abundant use of steel, iron, stone and other anorganic materials. Wood on the other side is used rarely as it is considered as inferior material and mainly at those places where it is necessary for the comfort of users, like doors or windows, since the use of metal would be to heavy for manipulation. Steampunk Architecture is typical with using various steel or iron armatures, plating and other metal details. Glass is also very popular not only in use of windows but also for many cupolas, skylights, rooflights and similar. Very popular are also countless industrial parts most of which are used for pure decoration pruposes. Buildings are inspired by industrial plants, factories or even ships. Metals are often let to naturaly rust, sunce rust is considered as higly aeshtetic decoration. Our construction kit presents several typical steampunk architecture details and parts from which almost limitless selection of houses and other buldings can be built. Not only steampunk style buildings can be built from this item, you may use it also for various historical look of buildings like gothic, renaissance, empire, classicism, art nouveau, industrial and so on. This product is also very useful for making fantasy looking streets or even for sci-fi visions.