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Poser 5 or above / DAZ Victoria 4
► 1 conforming figure teeshirt
► 1 conforming figure pair of flip-flop
► 1 conforming figure jeans
► 1 conforming figure belt
► 1 smart prop glasses with external .obj
► 5 templates
► 9 textures map (diffus, bump, transmap, reflection)
■ The morphs use crosstalk technology, select V4 before load each clothes.
■ Magnetize the clothes.
# TeeShirt:
* UtopianBody
* Voluptuous
* Young
* Fitness
* Aiko 4
* Petite
* Realistic
* Stylized
* Girl 4
* BreastsSize
* BreastsPerk
* BreastsDiameter
* BreastsDroop
* BreastsFlatten
* BreastHangForward
* BreastsImplant
# Flip flop:
* Aiko 4
* Petite
* Realistic
* Stylized
* Girl 4
# Jeans:
* UtopianBody
* Voluptuous
* Young
* Fitness
* Aiko 4
* Petite
* Realistic
* Stylized
* Girl 4
* Adj_Hip
* Adj_leftLeg
* Adj_rightLeg
* WaistWidth
* GluteFlexL
* GluteFlexR
* GluteRaiseL
* GluteRaiseR
* GluteSize
* GluteCreaseL
* GluteCreaseR
# Belt:
* UtopianBody
* Voluptuous
* Young
* Fitness
* Aiko 4
* Petite
* Realistic
* Stylized
* Girl 4
* Adj_Hip
* WaistWidth
* GluteFlexL
* GluteFlexR
* GluteRaiseL
* GluteRaiseR
* GluteSize
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