Sissy Le Beaux Hair Sets

3D Figure Assets released on Jul 25, 2011
Sissy Le Beaux  Hair Sets by N/A

Poser 7 and up ,DazStudio 2.2 and up - V4 or M4 base, Optional Sissy Le Beaux from RPublishing.
Available Uses:

Sissy Le Beaux Hairsets,are 2 detailed hair sets,
Made for Sissy Le Beaux character but can be used for any other V4 character.
The hair contain M4, V4 fit, but they come in 2 versions Cr2 (conforming character) and
pp2 poser prop format, the pp2 version can be scaled translated to fit any other poser character.

Package includes:

1 SissyLB hair set 1 in Cr2, poser conforming character format.
1 SissyLB hair set 1 in pp2 poser prop format.
1 SissyLB hair set 2 in Cr2, poser conforming character format.
1 SissyLB hair set 2 in pp2 poser prop format.

SissyLB hair set 1 contain the following morphs:

V4_Refit, ( M4_Refit, M4_Refit_2,Only in the prop (pp2), version )
SissysBiggerHeadFit, Sissy_PromosHairstyle, Sissy_ShowNeckBite,
Hairline_Fix, Hairline_Front, Hairline_Back, Hairline_Back_More,
Hairline_Out,Reduce_Volume-Up, Reduce_VoLume-Right, Reduce-Max_VoL-Left,
Reduce_Vol-Down_Right, Reduce_Vol-Down_Left, Longer_Front, Longer_Back,
TwistHead_Right, TwistHead_Left, CothingAdjust_Right, CothingAdjust_Right2,
CothingAdjust_Left, CothingAdjust_Left_1, CothingAdjust_Back, RightPart_Move-Back,
LeftPart_Move-Back, BackPart_Move-Back, RightPart_Move-Front, LeftPart_Move-Front,
BackPart_Move-Front, RightMove_Right-Left, LeftMove_Left-Right, BackMove_Right-Left
Windy, Windy_Back, Windy_Front, Windy_Right, Windy_Right2,Windy_Left, Windy_Left2,
Right_Windy-Front, Right_Windy-Back,Right_Windy-Right. Right_Windy-Left, Left_Windy-Front,
Left_Windy-Back, Left_Windy-Right, Left_Windy-Lef, Back_Windy-Back,Back_Windy-Right,
Back_Windy-Left, RBangs_MoveToFace, LBangs_MoveToFace,RBangs_MoveFront,
LBangs_MoveFront. Bangs_Windy, Bangs_Windy-Front,Bangs_Windy-Back, RBangs_Windy,
LBangs_Windy, RBangs_WindyFront, LBangs_WindyFront.

SissyLB hair set 2 contain the following morphs:

V4_Fit, ( M4_Refit, Only in the prop (pp2), version ),
SissyBiggerHead, Hairline_Back, Hairline_Out,
Tail_1_MoveUp, Tail_1_MoveRight, Tail_1_MoveLeft, Tail_1_Longer,
Tail_2_MoveUp, Tail_2_MoveRight, Tail_2_MoveLeft, Tail_2_Longer,
FixNeck_BendHeadBack, FixNeck_BendHeadFront, FixNeck_SideHeadRight,
FixNeck_SideHeadLeft, Ears_Up, Ears_Front-Back, Wider_Face,
RBangs_Windy-Front, RBangs_Windy-Right, RBangs_Windy-Left,
LBangs_Windy-Front, LBangs_Windy-Right, LBangs_Windy-Left.

8 color Texture mats.for SissyLB hair set 1, (in ppz & DS format)
8 color Texture mats.for SissyLB hair set 2, (in ppz & DS format)
6 for SissyLB hair set 2 ribbons, (in ppz & DS format)
2 transparency presets for SissyLB hair set 2
R bangs off, L Bangs off (in ppz & DS format)

* texture templates included.

-Product tested and working in poser 7 and up
and DazStudio 2.3 and up.

You can download Sissy's promo lights from my freebies here:


*Please Click ''Editorial'', if you
prefer scroll down images....

Promo Credits:

- Sissy Le Beaux from RPublishing
- Sav Eros, Spartacos, Spartacos Armor &
Karmir's body suit by StudioArtVartanian
- Betsy Posh by RPublishing
- RP Bikini for V4 by RPublishing
- Supreme Armor by powerage
- Just Michael by Lunchlady
- Pin Up Master by ironman13
- Adoration by ironman13
- Movie Posters & Beyond by Pixeluna

Price: $13.90 USD

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