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Poser 6 +, or DAZ Studio, Sexy Baby II by 3D-Age (
News For Sexy Baby II by 3D-Age
With this texture add on you'll get a 10 beautiful new styles for Sexy Baby II.
What's Included:
- 10 MAT Poses for the Top
- 20 MAT Poses for the Panty
- 24 textures (incl. Displacement Maps)
P6 Material Poses (.PZ2)
DAZ Studio Material presets (DS)
Material Poses to Apply All Presets
Required Product: Sexy Baby II by 3D-Age (
No postwork on promotional images except on composition!
Rendered in PoserPro.
Tested in Poser 7 and Poser Pro.
Figures, Character, Clothings, Lights and Hair on Promotion Pictures are not included!
DAZ Matfiles are done by Fisty!
Character - VH Demi
Hair - Feliciana Hair and Silvermoon Hair SWAM soon...
Backgrounds - Sveve