Priory of the Steam

3D Models released on Feb 05, 2012
Priory of the Steam by N/A

Poser 6 and up

Priory of the Steam is headquarters of one of the most famous machinist orders from the early to late XIX century. Such orders supported development of steam technologies, modern machineries and industry itself. They gathered strong support to any inventors and enterpreneurs, studied and maintain their inventions and promote them among public. The initialy built their convents at remote places to have enough space and other ocindition for their purposes but soon they moved closer to cities and others aglomerations. Priory of the Steam was also residence of head of the order - The Grandmaster and his fellow brothers. Their living quarters were situated at the main building, called The Lodge. There was also main assembly hall, many workshops and warehouses. Lodge was also equiped with tall tower with boarding ramp so the heads of the order can attend to gatherings directly from their airships. The second most important building was The Machine Hall where were located the heaviest machines and machineries. Usualy several steam engines were displayed here, often at glass houses at the roof so it will be visible from far away. Next building - The Rotonda was the strongest structure at the abode and so it was used for studing dangerous or experimental technologies, like in our case - primitive fusion reactor known as "ministar". The bigest building at the priory was enormous water tank, called The Aquarium, which served as water reserve for steam production. Since the water was considered as noble materia as The Steam itself, it was made from glass panels so the water can be visible. The water inside was mostly rusted, since this was considered the most distinguished state of water aside The Steam. Between the buildings were erected many various monuments to famous inventors, or other great men and women. Architecture of the priory uses the same principles as other similar masonry - mostly large blocks of stone, steel or iron armtures and other fortifing elements, glass panels and so on. Wood was used very seldom since it was considered as lower material.

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