Devonian Fishes DR

3D Base Figures released on Feb 11, 2012
Devonian Fishes DR by N/A

Poser 5-9

1. Doryaspis is an extinct genus of primitive jawless fish that lived in the Early Devonian period (350 m.y.a.). Fossils have been discovered in Norway. It was about 15 cm (6 in) long.

2. Bothropelpis was a small freshwater detrivore, which lived in the Middle and Late Devonian (387–360 million years ago) .It was about 30 cm (11.8 inches) long. Because the fossils are found in freshwater sediments, Bothriolepis is presumed to have spent most of its life in freshwater rivers and lakes, but was probably able to enter salt water as well.

3. Drepanaspis gemuendenensis is an extinct species of primitive jawless fish from the Late Devonian (380-360 million years ago).It is presumed to have foraged the ocean floor for small marine animals. Drepanaspis was about 20 cm ( 7.8 inches ) long.

4. Pteraspis is an extinct genus of primitive jawless fish that lived in the Devonian period of what is now Britain and Belgium.
It was a good swimmer. Pteraspis fed from shoals of plankton just under the ocean surface. It grew to a length of 8 inches ( 20 cm ).

5. Scaumenacia is an extinct genus of prehistoric sarcopterygian, or lobe-finned fish from Quebec, Canada, Upper Devonian (370 million years ago). It was up to 65 cm (long. Preferred food was Asmusia, a small crustacean protected by two shells.

Price: $45.00 USD

3302 5

Price: $45.00 USD

3302 5