Blooming for Gossamer is a fun fantasy add-on containing highly ritch texures.
It's a very versatile package featuring:
Runtime Pose folder containing:
5 MAT Poses for the Anklet
5 MAT Poses for the Cape
5 MAT Poses for the Cuffs
5 MAT Poses for the HairFlower
5 MAT Poses for the Necklace
5 MAT Poses for the Skirt
5 MAT Poses for the Tails
5 MAT Poses for the Top
5 MAT Poses for the Wings
Runtime Textures folder containing:
5 Textures for the Anklet
5 Textures for the Cape
5 Textures for the Cuffs
5 Textures for the HairFlower
5 Textures for the Necklace
9 Textures for the Skirt
5 Textures for the Tails
5 Textures for the Top
5 Textures for the Wings
2 Transparancy Maps for the Tails
1 Texture Hide Map
1 Texture Reflection Map
*NOTE: Anklet, HairFlower and Necklace MAT Poses will HIDE the dragonfly element of the original outfit*
Gossamer Outfit by Silver & WildDesigns