Headless Horseman, character from short story The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving, was the ghost of a Hessian trooper who had his head shot off in a battle during American Revolutionary War, and who is now searching for his lost head by beheading various prospective donors. Our model represent old dead tree on a rocky outcrop, where ghostly horseman makes his hideous hideout and a base of operations. It is surrounded by remains of decapitated victims forming skull and head trophies on stakes or on tree branches.
Included are:
Terrain Prop
Tree Prop
4 Ivy Props
3 Bone Hoards Props
Skull Mound Props
3 Skull Pendants Props
1 Skulls on Spike prop
3 Severed Heads on Spike Props
Battle Axe zeroed or parented to M4 RH with clean and bloody textures
7 epic light presets