Ariel Cattes

3D Figure Assets released on Dec 10, 2012
Ariel Cattes by N/A

Contains Adult Content!

Contains Adult Content!

Contains Adult Content!

Contains Adult Content!

Poser 8+, Victoria 4
Available Uses:

Taking full advantage of all Poser has to offer comes Victoria 4's Ariel Cattes. Built on SimONE architecture and advanced through years of experience, Ariel Cattes is perfection in artistic hands.

Please see the promotional images. You will notice that Ariel Cattes
does not have a painted-on look to her makeup. No, Ariel Cattes's makeup is actually applied on top of her skin and as such has its own specularity and surface texture. This means that your renders will have correct lighting features on her body instead of painted-on highlights and shadows that oppose the correct lighting in-scene.

The maps weigh in at 3000x3000ppi and include diffuse maps, specular masks, displacement, and normal maps. Oh, and of course there are makeup maps.

Price: $14.99 USD

1883 2

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Price: $14.99 USD

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