3D Models released on Feb 02, 2013
InfamHOUSE by N/A

Poser 7 or above
Available Uses:


- big house with 4 levels (scaled to Poser people)
- Low poly modeling
- detailled interior and exterior
- separate elements for easy camera placement (hide or remove parts)
- tilables textures maps with normal maps
- morphable "eyes windows" FX
- entirely poseable: all flaps and doors can be open/close (limits fixed)


In Figures library:

- 4 preloaded house figures (complete exterior only with and without eyes windows FX // complete exterior with terrain & interior with and without eyes windows FX)
- 4 separate facades

In Props library:

- 1 preloaded complete interior (.pp2 with external .obj)
- all separate props (terrain, walls, floor, fireplace, stairs, etc...)

All promos images render in Poser Pro 2012.

Tested in P7, P8 and P9, not tested in DS.

Price: $18.95 USD

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Price: $18.95 USD

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